DN Business Excellence Awards 2018

 DN Business Excellence Awards 2018


DN Inc. had conducted one award function for Quality and it was a complete success… Loved by one and all who participated and attended.

Now What next??

It was that time of the year again and we had to put on our thinking hats as we starting throwing ideas about as a team on how do we want to plan for this year!

Let’s Listen!!

We started by listening. This time we had a Voice of Customer. People had attended our event last year they had shared their views. We reached out to them eagerly. 

What were their thoughts this year?

What did they want us to come up with this time of the year?

We hear you

There was a torrent of ideas..themes were continually being suggested and we were having a tough time coming up with one main stream idea which we could go with for the current year.

And you will be astonished to know the theme!!!

Yes we finally circled in on the Theme “Encouraging Quality DNA”. We decided to check on what were the initiatives being done to encourage the quality DNA and spread the popularity of Six Sigma concepts. The


How? & What? Of Incremental Quality DNA

How did we go about it?

We started gathering together all our customers and sending them out little mails and messages to give them a heads up of what was coming up. We went out a little more to creating posters and flyers and updating our social media accounts.

The Crowds were gathering their interests garnered..

We had garnered interest now. Those who had participated and won awards the previous year were our ambassadors. We were not in this alone now. We had so many people doing our marketing for us. 

The Categories This Time:

While DN Inc. was definitely going to encourage Quality projects in all its forms like a Black belt Project or Green Belt Project or Lean, we this time wanted to move into appreciating organisations, which were encouraging building of Quality DNA. This was done by running a competition for the number of people who were trained for Yellow Belt, Green Belt and Black Belt in an organisation and also getting numbers of how many were certified as well.

          This was the DN way of encouraging more and more organisations to create a conducive atmosphere towards training employees in quality methodologies and thereby garnering benefits

The Competition:

There was a very tough competition between the participants as is the norm with any of the DN Inc. awards. The competition was fair and in good spirit.

Judgement was not very easy and at last we closed in on the winners in each of the categories given above.

It is Time to Celebrate the Occasion!

At DN Inc. events we never celebrate only the winners we celebrate the event and the occasion. This was a lovely opportunity for all the Quality stalwarts to connect and interact in a common forum and share best practices.

The top class projects were on display, for all to see, as the winners took us through their presentations and walked us through their innovative ideas.

We Want More…

We closed the event with people clamouring for more as there were a lot of celebrations and connections happening. 

We collected a lot of good memories and tons of learnings as we walked away into the dusk after a lot of hard work and effort which had culminated in a wonderful celebration.

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