DN Business Excellence Awards 2019

 DN Business Excellence Awards 2019


And it’s a Hat-trick !!!!!

Wow it’s the third year we are planning the DN Inc. Business Excellence Awards. Just imagine third year on the trot and it’s all happened so quickly we felt. We still remember how in the first year we were planning slowly as we had yet to get experience on conducting an awards event. The excitement was still the same the butterflies in our stomach were still there as we prepared for the event the third time around.

What is the event theme?

We started brainstorming to see what was the theme we should go with this year? There were quite a few ideas we had and we wanted to keep bringing more and more to the table as we moved ahead. We decided this time go with Innovation in Quality as a theme. 

Innovative Quality?

The key word of 2019 seemed to be Innovation. More and more companies were driving innovation in their organisation in different ways. Some with kaizen events some with other concepts but, everywhere the need of the hour was most definitely Innovation

So why not? Let us see what is happening innovatively in the space of quality was what we decided we should be doing this year!

Set the Ball Rolling

We set the ball rolling by coming up with this innovative theme and innovative ways to market it by doing a Quiz competition around quality, and, during the event publishing about our forthcoming awards night on innovative quality. The participating teams and the organisations were very enthusiastic about the same.

The Ball picks up speed

Slowly the planning picked up speed. We had picked out our date and venue. The criteria were rolled out. We wanted to see innovative Green Belt and Black Belt Projects this time. Also Lean projects which had captured some innovative methods to drive it to closure.

Organisations which had encouraged quality in their areas in an innovative way were asked to showcase what they had done to set the little grey cells thinking.

Were we on a Sticky Wicket?

We had not expected to get so many entries for the event. When we spoke about innovation and innovative quality we thought that we may have curtailed the number of entries to come in.

Boy!! Were we mistake!! We got loads of entries for ‘’Innovative quality’’. There were a number of participants who wanted to showcase what they had done. The amount of thinking that was going into the projects these were days was really amazing. 

Should we call the Third Umpire?

We started wondering what we would do to judge these entries which had come. Each one was of superior quality. It was like the umpires on the field could not make a decision and would need a third umpire. Mr. Dheerendra Negi was himself wondering what we would need to do to judge such superior quality.

We then had all the judges doing a conference between themselves and arriving at a consensus as to who gets the Solitaire, Platinum, Gold and Silver!!

Ah We have a winner!!

Finally consensus was arrived at and we declared our winners. This was published and we sent out invites to all participants to our Finale as was the norm at all DN Inc. events. For us all participants were winners. If you had taken the initiative to participate in our events and showcase your projects and shown a spirit of sharing your best practice you were a winner.

And the Cup goes to……..

So the day dawned as a nice and clear day. We were all up and running quiet early and eagerly. The event would soon commence. There were always a lot of last minute things to be done. Things to be set right and seen to. Slowly the participants started coming in. Our guests had begun to arrive.

The chief guest arrived by about 11:30 am. The show had commenced. We had a welcome speech by Dheerendra followed by a speech by our chief judge to tell us about the quality of the competition and how tough it was to judge.

The Winner list was called and each person came up smiling and happy to pick up their prize. Those who did not win were smiling to see someone else win and getting an opportunity to learn new innovative quality lessons.

All participants were given certificates and scholarships as was our practice. The event finally closed with a Thank You speech and the curtains were drawn saying “Until we Meet Again”

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